Sunday, September 21, 2008

Who is this Egg Celebrity????

O.K. Welcome to the first Contest of the L.T.U.P.C.O.W.F.T.X.E.C.L.A.L. C. (Life Tabernacle United Pentecostal Church of Wichita Falls Texas Egg Celebrity Look A Like Contest). Remember, the first blogger to correctly identfies who the photo is about will win a $5 gift card to Starbucks. You must answer on the cannot tell me in person. If there is no winner, then the prize will be added to the next weeks prize...Good Luck

This Weeks Celebrity


Karla said...

John Howell!!!

Linda Elms said...

LOL! I think Karla's right. LOL! Big bad John!

Keith and Carla said...

I would have said John Howell, also. Even without looking at the comments!

Mandy said...

Awww I knew it was Bro John is there some sort of runner up prize!!!

JAMES said...

Sis Karla is the first big winner of the L.T.U.P.C.O.W.F.T.E.C.L.A.L.C.

By the way...10:04 A.M. on a Sunday? ...I was in Sunday School class...Where were You LOL

Be Ready Next week....

JAMES said...

Yeah, Sis Mandy You can go get Starbucks Card and give it to Sis Karla for me

Lynn said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Now that was a good one!

Kassie said...


Mandy said...

LOL I decline my winnings graciously!!

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