Sunday, September 14, 2008


This morning I was going to cook breakfast for my darling "little" wife Carmen. We have an Omellette pan that hinges in the middle and also has a place to make poached eggs..or better as friedless fried eggs. We eat a lot of eggs, cheap and great source of protien. Anyway, I was slicing up an apple to go with the eggs (which look like big white eyeballs with yellow pupils) when Carmen and I came up with an idea. We started arranging the apple slices and eggs to make faces. Well, we got sooo tickled at the faces that we thought we would created celebrity faces.

After making the faces then eating them, we thought of a great idea for fun. We have created the "Life Tabernacle United Pentecostal Church of Wichita Falls Texas Soft Boiled Egg Church Celebrity Look A Like", Or "L.T.U.P.C.O.W.F.T.S.B.E.C.C.L.A.L for short. Each week we will create a likeness of one of our great church friends.. the first blogger who correctly identifies the
L.T.U.P.C.O.W.F.T.S.B.E.C.C.L.A.L. will win a $5.00 gift card to Starbucks. We hope that each one of you will enjoy this and will not take offense to some clean fun...if so please hit the red X at the top right hand corner of your computer...this is a sample of the pictures for this week..

Angelina Jolie


Gene Holley said...

It is cool that Angelina Jolie has decided to make Life Tabernacle her church home! By the way, you are really going after this blogging thing!!! LOL!

Karla said...

LOL!!! How fun!

Linda Elms said...

This will be interesting! :) By the way, I'm glad you're FINALLY blogging again!

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